Sunday, January 22, 2012

Little Boy's Closet

January is that time of year that everyone decides it it time to focus on organizing. I know I got bit by the organizing bug and have found myself trying to organize everything at one time instead of picking one task and finishing it before I start another. One spot in our home I thought needed some attention was my son's closet. I thought the best approach would be to completely empty it out and figure out just what was in there. As I started emptying it out I realized it is one of those places that is a catch all for everything. I had things I needed to donate in there, things that didn't fit in my daughter's closet, things I didn't know where I should put, and even some old lamp shades. Once I cleared everything out and started putting back just what should be in there I was surprised on how little stuff went back in and how much room there was in his closet now. In a short amount of time it went from this
to this
I want everyone to know that you can start small and continue to improve something as time goes on. Now when I open up my son's closet doors instead of wanting to shut them as fast as I can, I smile comes across my face and I take some time to think about what I can do to next to improve it.

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